Civilizing the West, The Galts and the Development of Western Canada

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pp. 395.”Alexander Tilloch Galt and his son, Elliott Torrance Galt, were two central Canadian entrepreneurs who tirelessly promoted the resources of Western Canada.”. VG in VG dust jacket with Govt. of Alberta bookplate laid in to f.e.p.

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Book Information

ISBN 0888640714
ISBN13 9780888640710
Number of pages 395
Original Title Civilizing the West
Published Date 1982
Book Condition good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Edmonton
Edition First Edition


pp. 395.”Alexander Tilloch Galt and his son, Elliott Torrance Galt, were two central Canadian entrepreneurs who tirelessly promoted the resources of Western Canada.”. VG in VG dust jacket with Govt. of Alberta bookplate laid in to f.e.p.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg