Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts

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pp. xiii 373.”The heyday of anthropological collecting on the Northwest Coast took place between 1875 and the Great Depression. The scramble for skulls and skeletons, poles, canoes, baskets, feast bowls, and masks went on until it seemed that almost everything not nailed down or hidden was gone. The period of most intense collecting on the coast coincided with the growth of anthropological museums, which reflected the realization that time was running out and that civilization was pushing the indigenous people to the wall, destroying their material culture and even extinguishing the native stock itself. ” penciling to the margins

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Book Information

ISBN 0888944608
ISBN13 9780888944603
Number of pages 373
Original Title Captured Heritage: the Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts
Published Date 1985
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Vancouver,
Edition First Edition


pp. xiii 373.”The heyday of anthropological collecting on the Northwest Coast took place between 1875 and the Great Depression. The scramble for skulls and skeletons, poles, canoes, baskets, feast bowls, and masks went on until it seemed that almost everything not nailed down or hidden was gone. The period of most intense collecting on the coast coincided with the growth of anthropological museums, which reflected the realization that time was running out and that civilization was pushing the indigenous people to the wall, destroying their material culture and even extinguishing the native stock itself. ” penciling to the margins

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg