pp. 264, colour photographs and ep maps, “An award-winning nature photographer, Mangelsen followed polar bears for eight years to collect the images featured here, over 250 exquisite color photographs that take the reader on a year-long journey through the Arctic.The accompanying text, by Canadian naturalist Bruemmer, chronicles a year in the life of a mother polar bear and her cubs and a young male bear as they experience the changing seasons in their Arctic wilderness habitat. The book’s focus is on the polar bear but is balanced with images of walruses, seals, foxes, birds, characteristic vegetation, and the seasonally changing landscape. Mangelsen has surpassed his goal of creating a “beautiful picture book on bears,” as this volume also presents a learning forum for those who seek an understanding of the Arctic but are unlikely to travel there. Sitting down with this book is an absorbing experience that will leave the reader with a new respect and admiration for the Arctic and its inhabitants.”