The Weaker Vessel

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pp. 544, b/w photographs. “Just how weak were the women of the Civil War era? What could they expect beyond marriage and childbirth in an age where infant and maternal mortality was frequent and contraception unknown? Did anyone marry for love? Could a woman divorce? What rights had the unmarried? What expectations the widowed? An expert on the period, Antonia Fraser brings to life the many and various women she has encountered in her considerable research: governesses, milkmaids, fishwives, nuns, defenders of castles, courtesans, countesses, witches and widows. Consistently interesting, funny, touching and thought-provoking to read: a fresh angle of vision has given her a fresh view of the private life of the seventeenth century, and she conveys it with skill.’ “

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Book Information

ISBN 0297783815
ISBN13 9780297783817
Number of pages 544
Original Title The Weaker Vessel
Published Date 1984
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication London
Edition First edition


pp. 544, b/w photographs. “Just how weak were the women of the Civil War era? What could they expect beyond marriage and childbirth in an age where infant and maternal mortality was frequent and contraception unknown? Did anyone marry for love? Could a woman divorce? What rights had the unmarried? What expectations the widowed? An expert on the period, Antonia Fraser brings to life the many and various women she has encountered in her considerable research: governesses, milkmaids, fishwives, nuns, defenders of castles, courtesans, countesses, witches and widows. Consistently interesting, funny, touching and thought-provoking to read: a fresh angle of vision has given her a fresh view of the private life of the seventeenth century, and she conveys it with skill.’ “

Additional information

Weight 1.12 kg