1812: War with America

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pp. xiv 637.”Latimer describes events not merely through the eyes of generals, admirals, and politicians but through those of the soldiers, sailors, and ordinary people who were directly affected. Drawing on personal letters, diaries, and memoirs, he crafts an intimate narrative that marches the reader into the heat of battle. ” heavy book additional postage costs may apply,

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Book Information

ISBN 0674025849
ISBN13 9780674025844
Number of pages 637
Original Title 1812: War with America
Published Date 2007
Book Condition Good
Jacket Condition very good
Binding hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Cambridge
Edition First Edition


pp. xiv 637.”Latimer describes events not merely through the eyes of generals, admirals, and politicians but through those of the soldiers, sailors, and ordinary people who were directly affected. Drawing on personal letters, diaries, and memoirs, he crafts an intimate narrative that marches the reader into the heat of battle. ” heavy book additional postage costs may apply,

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg