A Patch of Green: Canada’s Oilpatch Makes Peace with the Environment

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pp.240.The Wiebo Ludwig affair brought to the forefront the often explosive relationship between the oil and gas industry and the ranchers and farmers who live under the shadow of its rigs. But behind the headlines, an unreported sea-change is taking place in the long history of these very different players. Canada’s petroleum industry is in the middle of a massive paradigm shift. The old focus of drill fast, pump profits, leave quick is long gone. New executives and directors are bringing a mentality of corporate and social responsibility to the industry that pays attention to a triple bottom line: environmental, social, and economic. A Patch of Green examines the forces that have come to bear to bring about this change. From the viewpoints of environmentalists, landowners, drill workers and corporate executives, veteran journalist Sydney Sharpe reveals an industry wrestling with the excesses of its past and learning to profit from a new economic future.

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Book Information

ISBN 1552635201
ISBN13 9781552635209
Number of pages 240
Original Title A Patch of Green: Canada's Oilpatch Makes Peace with the Environment
Published Date 2002
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition


pp.240.The Wiebo Ludwig affair brought to the forefront the often explosive relationship between the oil and gas industry and the ranchers and farmers who live under the shadow of its rigs. But behind the headlines, an unreported sea-change is taking place in the long history of these very different players. Canada’s petroleum industry is in the middle of a massive paradigm shift. The old focus of drill fast, pump profits, leave quick is long gone. New executives and directors are bringing a mentality of corporate and social responsibility to the industry that pays attention to a triple bottom line: environmental, social, and economic. A Patch of Green examines the forces that have come to bear to bring about this change. From the viewpoints of environmentalists, landowners, drill workers and corporate executives, veteran journalist Sydney Sharpe reveals an industry wrestling with the excesses of its past and learning to profit from a new economic future.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg