About Wright: An Album of Recollections by Those Who Knew Frank Lloyd Wright

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pp. 326, “A fascinating account of the interpersonal relationships between Frank Lloyd Wright and the people involved in various aspects of his life. Features letters and narratives from relatives, friends, clients, draftsmen, apprentices and acquaintances. The latter part of the book deals with events following his death. Includes numerous photographs never before published. “

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Book Information

ISBN 0471592331
ISBN13 978471592334
Number of pages 326
Original Title About Wright: An Album of Recollections by Those Who Knew Frank Lloyd Wright
Published Date 1993
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good, corner clipped
Binding Hardcover
Size larger 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition First edition


pp. 326, “A fascinating account of the interpersonal relationships between Frank Lloyd Wright and the people involved in various aspects of his life. Features letters and narratives from relatives, friends, clients, draftsmen, apprentices and acquaintances. The latter part of the book deals with events following his death. Includes numerous photographs never before published. “

Additional information

Weight 2 kg