Bill Davis: Nation Builder, and Not So Bland After All

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pp. 584, SIGNED by the author. “The book’s examination of Davis’s lengthy political run is, in many ways, a thing of beauty.” (Literary Review of Canada) // “A must read not just for political junkies but for anyone who cares about the people and politics that built this province — written in a readable, totally absorbing way.” (Toronto Sun) // “Steve Paikin is an exception, just as his book on former Ontario premier Bill Davis is exceptional.” (Troy Media) // “An affectionate recounting of the era.” (Toronto Star)

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Book Information

ISBN 1459731751
ISBN13 9781459731752
Number of pages 584
Original Title Bill Davis: Nation Builder, and Not So Bland After All
Published Date 2016
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition Very good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First edition
Inscription Signed by Author


pp. 584, SIGNED by the author. “The book’s examination of Davis’s lengthy political run is, in many ways, a thing of beauty.” (Literary Review of Canada) // “A must read not just for political junkies but for anyone who cares about the people and politics that built this province — written in a readable, totally absorbing way.” (Toronto Sun) // “Steve Paikin is an exception, just as his book on former Ontario premier Bill Davis is exceptional.” (Troy Media) // “An affectionate recounting of the era.” (Toronto Star)

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg