Canada’s Army: Waging War and Keeping the Peace

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pp.xiv [3] 519.”The first edition of Canada’s Army quickly became the definitive history of the Canadian army. The intervening years, though, have seen major changes to how Canadians think about their military, especially in the context of the Afghan War and increased federal funding for the Canadian Forces. In this second edition of Canada’s Army, J.L. Granatstein-one of the country’s leading historians-brings his work up to date with fresh material on the evolving role of the military in Canadian society, along with updated sources and illustrations. Canada’s Army traces the full three-hundred year history of the Canadian military from its origins in New France to the Conquest, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812; from South Africa and the two World Wars to the Korean War and contemporary peacekeeping efforts, and the War in Afghanistan. Granatstein points to the inevitable continuation of armed conflict around the world and makes a compelling case for Canada to maintain properly equipped and professional armed forces. Canada’s Army offers a rich analysis of the political context for the battles and events that shaped our understanding of the nation’s military. Masterfully written and passionately argued, this book has been lauded as ‘belong[ing] on all concerned citizens’ bookshelves.'”

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SKU: 259861 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 0802046916
Number of pages 519
Original Title Canada's Army: Waging War and Keeping the Peace
Published Date 2002
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size Larger 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto


pp.xiv [3] 519.”The first edition of Canada’s Army quickly became the definitive history of the Canadian army. The intervening years, though, have seen major changes to how Canadians think about their military, especially in the context of the Afghan War and increased federal funding for the Canadian Forces. In this second edition of Canada’s Army, J.L. Granatstein-one of the country’s leading historians-brings his work up to date with fresh material on the evolving role of the military in Canadian society, along with updated sources and illustrations. Canada’s Army traces the full three-hundred year history of the Canadian military from its origins in New France to the Conquest, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812; from South Africa and the two World Wars to the Korean War and contemporary peacekeeping efforts, and the War in Afghanistan. Granatstein points to the inevitable continuation of armed conflict around the world and makes a compelling case for Canada to maintain properly equipped and professional armed forces. Canada’s Army offers a rich analysis of the political context for the battles and events that shaped our understanding of the nation’s military. Masterfully written and passionately argued, this book has been lauded as ‘belong[ing] on all concerned citizens’ bookshelves.'”

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Weight 1.2 kg