Case Critical: Challenging Social Services in Canada

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pp.173.paperback edition.”Case Critical presents a detailed picture of Canada’s safety net from the inside, from the points of view of social workers and, most importantly, of those who are usually not heard from: the “clients” or “cases.” It offers an examination of the contradictions within the organization and implementation of social services in Canada, providing information and analysis necessary for an understanding of the current stage of welfare state reform.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0921284977
ISBN13 9780921284970
Number of pages 173
Original Title Case Critical: Challenging Social Services in Canada
Published Date 1995
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition No Dustjacket
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition Third


pp.173.paperback edition.”Case Critical presents a detailed picture of Canada’s safety net from the inside, from the points of view of social workers and, most importantly, of those who are usually not heard from: the “clients” or “cases.” It offers an examination of the contradictions within the organization and implementation of social services in Canada, providing information and analysis necessary for an understanding of the current stage of welfare state reform.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg