Charge!: The Interesting Bits of Military History

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pp. xvi [2] 270.”This is not a book filled with battle diagrams swarming with arrows or 100,000 word descriptions of the tactical basis for the Pastry War. It is a book about the smaller tragedies and triumphs that actually go to make up the big picture – toilets that sink U-boats, unsporting attacks on Christmas day, armies that stop for tea, bombs on renegade balloons, drunk generals, blind kings, blind drunk generals, circular warships, and all the joy and misery that such things bring with them. And an interesting bit about the Pastry War”

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Book Information

ISBN 0719523044
ISBN13 9780719523045
Number of pages 270
Original Title Charge!: The Interesting Bits of Military History
Published Date 2008
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication London
Edition first edition


pp. xvi [2] 270.”This is not a book filled with battle diagrams swarming with arrows or 100,000 word descriptions of the tactical basis for the Pastry War. It is a book about the smaller tragedies and triumphs that actually go to make up the big picture – toilets that sink U-boats, unsporting attacks on Christmas day, armies that stop for tea, bombs on renegade balloons, drunk generals, blind kings, blind drunk generals, circular warships, and all the joy and misery that such things bring with them. And an interesting bit about the Pastry War”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg