Climbing Mount Improbable

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pp. 340, a paperback edition, b/w sketch illustrations and photographs, “How do species evolve? Richard Dawkins, one of the world’s most eminent zoologists, likens the process to scaling a huge, Himalaya-size peak, the Mount Improbable of his title. An alpinist does not leap from sea level to the summit; neither does a species utterly change forms overnight, but instead follows a course of “slow, cumulative, one-step-at-a-time, non-random survival of random variants”–a course that Charles Darwin, Dawkins’s great hero, called natural selection. Illustrating his arguments with case studies from the natural world, such as the evolution of the eye and the lung, and the co-evolution of certain kinds of figs and wasps, Dawkins provides a vigorous, entertaining defense of key Darwinian ideas. “

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Book Information

ISBN 0393316823
ISBN13 9780393316827
Number of pages 340
Original Title Climbing Mount Improbable
Published Date 1997
Book Condition Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition Fifth


pp. 340, a paperback edition, b/w sketch illustrations and photographs, “How do species evolve? Richard Dawkins, one of the world’s most eminent zoologists, likens the process to scaling a huge, Himalaya-size peak, the Mount Improbable of his title. An alpinist does not leap from sea level to the summit; neither does a species utterly change forms overnight, but instead follows a course of “slow, cumulative, one-step-at-a-time, non-random survival of random variants”–a course that Charles Darwin, Dawkins’s great hero, called natural selection. Illustrating his arguments with case studies from the natural world, such as the evolution of the eye and the lung, and the co-evolution of certain kinds of figs and wasps, Dawkins provides a vigorous, entertaining defense of key Darwinian ideas. “

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Weight 1 kg