Darfur the Ambiguous Genocide

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pp. xxiii, (1), 212, “Gérard Prunier sets out the ethnopolitical makeup of the Sudan and explains why the Darfur rebellion is regarded as a key threat to Arab power in the country: much more so than secessionism in the Christian South. This, he argues, accounts for the government’s deployment of “exemplary violence” by the Janjaweed militias in order to intimidate other African Muslims into subservience. As the world watches; governments decide if, when, and how to intervene; and international organizations struggle to distribute aid, the knowledge in Prunier’s book will provide crucial assistance.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0801444500
ISBN13 9780801444500
Number of pages 212
Original Title Darfur the Ambiguous Genocide
Published Date 2005
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Ithaca
Edition Second


pp. xxiii, (1), 212, “Gérard Prunier sets out the ethnopolitical makeup of the Sudan and explains why the Darfur rebellion is regarded as a key threat to Arab power in the country: much more so than secessionism in the Christian South. This, he argues, accounts for the government’s deployment of “exemplary violence” by the Janjaweed militias in order to intimidate other African Muslims into subservience. As the world watches; governments decide if, when, and how to intervene; and international organizations struggle to distribute aid, the knowledge in Prunier’s book will provide crucial assistance.”

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Weight 1 kg