Divorce Wars: Interventions With Families in Conflict

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pp. 401, “When parents divorce, children are the biggest losers. This new book will give both mental health and legal professionals the expert information they need to help families navigate this grave ordeal and improv e the outcome for hurting children. Elizabeth Ellis provides invaluable, research-based guidance on all stages of divorce cases, beginning with the warning signs of a failing marriage and ending with post-divorce conflict surrounding child custody. Written in an accessible and engaging style, each chapter features a detailed case study that vividly depicts problems common to divorcing families and includes clinical guidelines and decision trees for interventions.”

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SKU: 299914 Category:

Book Information

ISBN13 9781557986795
Number of pages 401
Original Title Divorce Wars: Interventions With Families in Conflict
Published Date 2000
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size Larger 8vo
Place of Publication Washington, DC


pp. 401, “When parents divorce, children are the biggest losers. This new book will give both mental health and legal professionals the expert information they need to help families navigate this grave ordeal and improv e the outcome for hurting children. Elizabeth Ellis provides invaluable, research-based guidance on all stages of divorce cases, beginning with the warning signs of a failing marriage and ending with post-divorce conflict surrounding child custody. Written in an accessible and engaging style, each chapter features a detailed case study that vividly depicts problems common to divorcing families and includes clinical guidelines and decision trees for interventions.”

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg