Eagles of North America

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pp. 127, spectacular color photographs of this majestic bird of prey. “Dagger-clawed, hook-beaked, sleek-feathered, and proud, the eagle is the king of the bird world–and a vision that awes humanity. From winged messengers in ancient times to symbols of sovereignty in the present, eagles have captured our imagination with their majesty, fearsomeness, and grace. These awe-inspiring birds have all these qualities and more. Because few people have actually glimpsed the bald and golden eagles–North America’s two species–in flight, these predators have become creatures of myth. Ninety stunning and action-packed color photographs from the world’s top nature photographers portray the grace and power of these birds that have vision five times superior to ours, breakneck speed, split second timing, and striking agility. They include heartwarming close-ups of a newborn eaglet’s first tentative steps, gripping images of carnivorous adults ravaging their kill, and stunning aerial views of the raptors soaring through the air. An absorbing account of the everyday behavior of these birds of prey.”

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SKU: 85963 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 888332335
Published Date 1987
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size Larger 8vo
Place of Publication Vancouver,
Edition First Edition
Publishers: ,


pp. 127, spectacular color photographs of this majestic bird of prey. “Dagger-clawed, hook-beaked, sleek-feathered, and proud, the eagle is the king of the bird world–and a vision that awes humanity. From winged messengers in ancient times to symbols of sovereignty in the present, eagles have captured our imagination with their majesty, fearsomeness, and grace. These awe-inspiring birds have all these qualities and more. Because few people have actually glimpsed the bald and golden eagles–North America’s two species–in flight, these predators have become creatures of myth. Ninety stunning and action-packed color photographs from the world’s top nature photographers portray the grace and power of these birds that have vision five times superior to ours, breakneck speed, split second timing, and striking agility. They include heartwarming close-ups of a newborn eaglet’s first tentative steps, gripping images of carnivorous adults ravaging their kill, and stunning aerial views of the raptors soaring through the air. An absorbing account of the everyday behavior of these birds of prey.”

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Weight 0.85 kg