pp. 350, b/w illustrations, “In this fast-paced and dramatic book, journalist Chris Cobb serves up a solidly reported business story laced with political intrigue, insider gossip, and inflamed egos. It looked, at first, like it would be a rout. Conrad Black, supreme commander of the upstart National Post, was jubilant: We have shattered this cozy little logrolling, backscratching society of the Toronto media cartel! The Post style was quickly dubbed tits and analysis, but the threat was very real. Once the Post was launched, the fight got dirty. For six months a Globe spy faxed them the Posts front page each day before the Globe went to press. The publisher at the Star warned his top people that the Posts owners aren’t restrained by the Marquess of Queensberry rules. The struggling Globe drafted the foppish, often brutal Fleet Street editor Richard Addis”