From the Prairies With Hope

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pp.177.paperback edition .”Robert and Jane Aberson left their home in the Netherlands to respond to the Canadian government’s 1920s advertising campaign for settlers from Europe to homestead and populate the vast prairie provinces. After purchasing their farm in 1928, their first crop failed; the following year world markets collapsed, the Great Depression began, and many farmers abandoned their farms and moved to the cities. Only the stubborn and frugal stayed on the land, the Abersons among them. Bob Aberson credited his wife with their survival during those difficult years.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0889770646
ISBN13 9780889770645
Number of pages 177
Original Title From the Prairies With Hope
Published Date 1998
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition No Dustjacket
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Regina
Edition Reprint


pp.177.paperback edition .”Robert and Jane Aberson left their home in the Netherlands to respond to the Canadian government’s 1920s advertising campaign for settlers from Europe to homestead and populate the vast prairie provinces. After purchasing their farm in 1928, their first crop failed; the following year world markets collapsed, the Great Depression began, and many farmers abandoned their farms and moved to the cities. Only the stubborn and frugal stayed on the land, the Abersons among them. Bob Aberson credited his wife with their survival during those difficult years.”

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Weight 1 kg