Grant Notley: The Social Conscience of Alberta, Second Edition

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pp. xl 351, black and white photographs throughout. “Grant Notley commanded a tremendous personal loyalty from those who came in contact with him. What prompted such loyalty? How could a shy, solitary, and socially retiring person take such a grip on people? The answer lies somewhere in his hard work, his own devotion to social change, and in the ideals of those that he sought to enlist.”

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Book Information

ISBN 1772121258
ISBN13 9781772121254
Number of pages 351
Original Title Grant Notley: The Social Conscience of Alberta, Second Edition
Published Date 2015
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Edmonton
Edition First Edition


pp. xl 351, black and white photographs throughout. “Grant Notley commanded a tremendous personal loyalty from those who came in contact with him. What prompted such loyalty? How could a shy, solitary, and socially retiring person take such a grip on people? The answer lies somewhere in his hard work, his own devotion to social change, and in the ideals of those that he sought to enlist.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg