Harper’s Team: Behind the Scenes in the Conservative Rise to Power

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pp 326″Harper’s team fought four campaigns in five years: two leadership races and two national elections. Through trial and error – and determination – they learned to combine the Reform Party’s strength in grassroots politics with the Progressive Conservative expertise in advertising and media relations, while simultaneously adopting the latest advances in information and communications technology.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0773532986
ISBN13 9780773532984
Number of pages 326
Original Title Harper's Team: Behind the Scenes in the Conservative Rise to Power
Published Date 2007
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Montreal
Edition First edition


pp 326″Harper’s team fought four campaigns in five years: two leadership races and two national elections. Through trial and error – and determination – they learned to combine the Reform Party’s strength in grassroots politics with the Progressive Conservative expertise in advertising and media relations, while simultaneously adopting the latest advances in information and communications technology.”

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg