Hitler’s Shadow Empire

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pp. 349. “The Nazis provided Franco’s Nationalists with planes, armaments, and tanks in their civil war against the Communists but behind this largesse was a Faustian bargain. Pierpaolo Barbieri makes a convincing case that the Nazis hoped to establish an economic empire in Europe, and in Spain they tested the tactics intended for future subject territories.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0674728858
ISBN13 9780674728851
Number of pages 349
Original Title Hitler's Shadow Empire
Published Date 2015
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition Very good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Cambridge
Edition First edition


pp. 349. “The Nazis provided Franco’s Nationalists with planes, armaments, and tanks in their civil war against the Communists but behind this largesse was a Faustian bargain. Pierpaolo Barbieri makes a convincing case that the Nazis hoped to establish an economic empire in Europe, and in Spain they tested the tactics intended for future subject territories.”

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg