Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World (Suny Series in Near Eastern Studies)

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pp. 370, ” This is a systematic treatment of the religious, intellectual, cultural, and social foundations of Islamic resurgence in the modern Arab world. Because of the complex origin and controversial nature of this movement, Abu-Rabi’ has grounded its thought in the larger context of Arab and Islamic intellectual history. Islamic resurgence has offered a multitude of solutions to the perceived problems of modern Arab and Muslim societies through the pens of its most sophisticated thinkers and philosophers. This study documents in detail the ideas of such leading Islamist thinkers as Hasan Banna, Sayyhid Qutb, Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah, and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. It also discusses contemporary Arab views on resurgence and the relationship between religion and society.”

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SKU: 158753 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 791426645
Published Date 1995
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication U.S.A.


pp. 370, ” This is a systematic treatment of the religious, intellectual, cultural, and social foundations of Islamic resurgence in the modern Arab world. Because of the complex origin and controversial nature of this movement, Abu-Rabi’ has grounded its thought in the larger context of Arab and Islamic intellectual history. Islamic resurgence has offered a multitude of solutions to the perceived problems of modern Arab and Muslim societies through the pens of its most sophisticated thinkers and philosophers. This study documents in detail the ideas of such leading Islamist thinkers as Hasan Banna, Sayyhid Qutb, Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah, and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. It also discusses contemporary Arab views on resurgence and the relationship between religion and society.”

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Weight 0.85 kg