Little Big Men : Bodybuilding Subculture and Gender Construction

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pp. 326, “Sociologist/anthropologist Klein (Sugarball: The American Game, The Dominican Dream) spent seven years hanging out at four elite West Coast bodybuilding gyms, and his observations of this strange, hyper-masculine subculture, though sometimes shackled by academic jargon, are telling. He tracks bodybuilding’s roots in Charles Atlas ads and the film Pumping Iron , then offers a taxonomy of gym characters, from onlookers to professional bodybuilders. He savvily analyzes “the political economy of bodybuilding,” describing how a few entrepreneurs and promoters control the sport, and how competitors find jobs–as bouncers, bodyguards and the like–at which they can put their muscle to use. Klein finds much irony in the view that one’s body is entirely in one’s control, since genetics affect potential, and steroids destroy more than they add.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0791415600
ISBN13 9780791415603
Number of pages 326
Original Title Little Big Men : Bodybuilding Subculture and Gender Construction
Published Date 1993
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Albany
Edition Third


pp. 326, “Sociologist/anthropologist Klein (Sugarball: The American Game, The Dominican Dream) spent seven years hanging out at four elite West Coast bodybuilding gyms, and his observations of this strange, hyper-masculine subculture, though sometimes shackled by academic jargon, are telling. He tracks bodybuilding’s roots in Charles Atlas ads and the film Pumping Iron , then offers a taxonomy of gym characters, from onlookers to professional bodybuilders. He savvily analyzes “the political economy of bodybuilding,” describing how a few entrepreneurs and promoters control the sport, and how competitors find jobs–as bouncers, bodyguards and the like–at which they can put their muscle to use. Klein finds much irony in the view that one’s body is entirely in one’s control, since genetics affect potential, and steroids destroy more than they add.”

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Weight 1 kg