Memories and Milestones 1905-2005: Amisk-Hughenden-Rosith, A History

$175.00 CAD

pp. 662. Heavy book additional postage will apply, 4 square cm loss of cloth on back cover

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SKU: 295030 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 1553831152
ISBN13 9781553831150
Number of pages 662
Original Title Memories and Milestones 1905-2005 Amisk-Hughenden-Rosith A History
Published Date 2006
Book Condition good
Jacket Condition no dustjacket
Binding hardcover
Size 4to
Place of Publication Hughenden
Edition First edition


pp. 662. Heavy book additional postage will apply, 4 square cm loss of cloth on back cover

Additional information

Weight 2 kg