Montcalm And Wolfe: Two Men Who Forever Changed the Course of Canadian History

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pp. 328. “A pioneering history grounded in a real-life historical treasure hunt, The Discovery of Middle Earth offers nothing less than an entirely new understanding of the birth of modern Europe.””

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Book Information

ISBN 1443436887
ISBN13 9781443436885
Number of pages 328
Original Title Montcalm And Wolfe: Two Men Who Forever Changed the Course of Canadian History
Published Date 2014
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition very good
Binding hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First edition


pp. 328. “A pioneering history grounded in a real-life historical treasure hunt, The Discovery of Middle Earth offers nothing less than an entirely new understanding of the birth of modern Europe.””

Additional information

Weight 1 kg