Music To Be Performed at the World’s Peace Jubilee and International Music Festival, in Boston, June, 1872

$45.00 CAD

pp.177.No.14 for the Champlain Valley Musical Association [ organized at Plattsburgh January 23rd 1873 ] wear to the corner of the boards and the boards themselves

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SKU: 320297 Category:

Book Information

Number of pages 177
Original Title Music To Be Performed at the World's Peace Jubilee and International Music Festival, in Boston, June, 1872
Published Date 1872
Book Condition good
Jacket Condition no dustjacket
Binding hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Boston
Edition First edition


pp.177.No.14 for the Champlain Valley Musical Association [ organized at Plattsburgh January 23rd 1873 ] wear to the corner of the boards and the boards themselves

Additional information

Weight 1 kg