Mysteries and Secrets of Time: Time Warps, Time Travel, Reincarnation and Deja Vu

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pp. [9] 264.”This fascinating work begins with a scientific appraisal of time and its relationship with 3D space. It explains in clear, understandable language, the complex theories of such famous men as Newton, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking. ” paperback edition

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Book Information

ISBN 1550026771
ISBN13 9781550026771
Number of pages 264
Original Title Mysteries and Secrets of Time: Time Warps, Time Travel, Reincarnation and Deja Vu
Published Date 2007
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition


pp. [9] 264.”This fascinating work begins with a scientific appraisal of time and its relationship with 3D space. It explains in clear, understandable language, the complex theories of such famous men as Newton, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking. ” paperback edition

Additional information

Weight 1 kg