Noah Webster: The Life and Times of an American Patriot

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Pp. xiii 386. “In the first major biography of Noah Webster in over sixty years, author Harlow Unger creates an intriguing portrait of the United States as an energetic and confident young country, even when independence was fragile and the future unclear. Harlow Unger brilliantly restores Webster’s monumental legacy as a teacher,legislator, philosopher, lawyer, editor, and one of history’s most profoundly influential lexicographers. Breathtaking adventure–from the American Revolution to the War of 1812–and masterful scholarship converge in this riveting chronicle of a singularly American intellect.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0471184551
Original Title Noah Webster: The Life and Times of an American Patriot
Published Date 1998-10-12
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 24.23 x 2.54 x 17.78 centimeters
Place of Publication New York
Edition First Edition