Nurturing Yesterday’s Child

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pp. 138, b/w illustrations color photographs, “The collection of renowned paediatrician, the late Dr T.G.H. Drake, can be described as fascinating and unique. In addition to his clinical career, Dr Drake assembled a vast number of artifacts including rare books, prints, coins and stamps which focus on children throughout time. Inter-related objects, prints, stamps and coins have been grouped and discussed under appropriate topics against an historical background with reference to the documents and books within the collection.” SIGNED by authors on the title page.

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SKU: 136663 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 155664258X
Published Date 1992
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 4to
Place of Publication Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Edition First Edition
Inscription Signed by the Authors


pp. 138, b/w illustrations color photographs, “The collection of renowned paediatrician, the late Dr T.G.H. Drake, can be described as fascinating and unique. In addition to his clinical career, Dr Drake assembled a vast number of artifacts including rare books, prints, coins and stamps which focus on children throughout time. Inter-related objects, prints, stamps and coins have been grouped and discussed under appropriate topics against an historical background with reference to the documents and books within the collection.” SIGNED by authors on the title page.

Additional information

Weight 0.85 kg