On the battlefields: Two world wars that shaped a nation : Canada at war, volume II

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pp. xvii, (7), 409, b/w photographs. “The sense of the heroic ordinary Canadian at war is exemplified by powerful first-hand accounts, including George Pearson’s description of the last stand of the Princess Pats in the First World War, and by Robert Coffman’s gripping account of how he and two of his downed crew survived on an island off the Greenland shore for ten days during the Second World War. “

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Book Information

ISBN 0143013416
ISBN13 9780143013419
Number of pages 409
Original Title On the battlefields: Two world wars that shaped a nation : Canada at war, volume II
Published Date 2002
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition


pp. xvii, (7), 409, b/w photographs. “The sense of the heroic ordinary Canadian at war is exemplified by powerful first-hand accounts, including George Pearson’s description of the last stand of the Princess Pats in the First World War, and by Robert Coffman’s gripping account of how he and two of his downed crew survived on an island off the Greenland shore for ten days during the Second World War. “

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Weight 0.85 kg