On the Eve of the Millenium

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pp. 166. “In On the Eve of the Millennium, noted Irish man of letters Conor Cruise O’Brien considers threats to the Enlightenment tradition, from which democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of expression, within Western politics, derive.” paperback edition

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Book Information

ISBN 0887845592
ISBN13 9780887845598
Number of pages 166
Original Title On the Eve of the Millenium
Published Date 1994
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition No Dustjacket
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Concord
Edition First edition


pp. 166. “In On the Eve of the Millennium, noted Irish man of letters Conor Cruise O’Brien considers threats to the Enlightenment tradition, from which democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of expression, within Western politics, derive.” paperback edition

Additional information

Weight 1 kg