Passamaquoddy Genealogies of West Isles Families

$150.00 CAD

pp. 228, “charts, bibliography, A comprehensive history of Passamaquoddy, and the geneologies of all the families who settled in west isles between 1765 and 1860. The book covers in depth, history of indians, explorations to Canada and Passamaquoddy Bay, settlement of the area from 1604 thru the arrival of the loyalists in 1783, the 59 year dispute over the boundary between U.S. and Canada, “

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Book Information

Number of pages 227
Original Title Passamaquoddy Genealogies of West Isles Families
Published Date 1975
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No dustjacket
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Saint John New Brunswick
Edition First edition


pp. 228, “charts, bibliography, A comprehensive history of Passamaquoddy, and the geneologies of all the families who settled in west isles between 1765 and 1860. The book covers in depth, history of indians, explorations to Canada and Passamaquoddy Bay, settlement of the area from 1604 thru the arrival of the loyalists in 1783, the 59 year dispute over the boundary between U.S. and Canada, “

Additional information

Weight 1 kg