Pat Martin Bates Balancing on a Thread

$55.00 CAD

pp. 192, b/w and colour photographs of the art works, “Balancing on a Thread is a biography and artistic analysis of the work of Pat Martin Bates, one of Canada’s most distinguished artists and printmakers on both national and international levels. Bates has received accolades for her work in countries as varying as Britain, Japan, Norway and former Yugoslavia; few artists have done as much as she to raise the profile of Canadian printmaking abroad. The author, Pat Bovey, FRSA, is an art historian, author, university teacher, and former Director of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and the Winnipeg Art Gallery, July 2012 “

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SKU: 164808 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 1897181612
Published Date 2012
Book Condition Verg Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 4to
Place of Publication Canada
Edition First Edition


pp. 192, b/w and colour photographs of the art works, “Balancing on a Thread is a biography and artistic analysis of the work of Pat Martin Bates, one of Canada’s most distinguished artists and printmakers on both national and international levels. Bates has received accolades for her work in countries as varying as Britain, Japan, Norway and former Yugoslavia; few artists have done as much as she to raise the profile of Canadian printmaking abroad. The author, Pat Bovey, FRSA, is an art historian, author, university teacher, and former Director of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and the Winnipeg Art Gallery, July 2012 “

Additional information

Weight 0.85 kg