Portraits of the Bison : An Illustrated Guide to Bison Society

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pp.xi 108, color and b/w photographs, sketches,   Our fascination with these magnificent creatures draws thousands every year to wilderness areas to view them in their natural setting. Portraits of the Bison stunningly documents bison society with numerous colour photographs, detailed anatomical illustrations, and engaging description. Wes Olson explores the history, social structure, and life cycle of these intriguing animals, with an emphasis on safety and awareness while observing them. The detailed illustrations and photographs enable age and gender identification from birth to death and explore the differences between the species. This beautiful guide will captivate nature lovers and bison experts as it reveals the story of this wanderer of the plains.”

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SKU: 290831 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 0888644329
ISBN13 9780988011410
Number of pages 108
Original Title Portraits of the Bison : An Illustrated Guide to Bison Society
Published Date 2005
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition no dustjacket
Binding paperback
Size 4to oblong
Place of Publication Altona
Edition First edition


pp.xi 108, color and b/w photographs, sketches,   Our fascination with these magnificent creatures draws thousands every year to wilderness areas to view them in their natural setting. Portraits of the Bison stunningly documents bison society with numerous colour photographs, detailed anatomical illustrations, and engaging description. Wes Olson explores the history, social structure, and life cycle of these intriguing animals, with an emphasis on safety and awareness while observing them. The detailed illustrations and photographs enable age and gender identification from birth to death and explore the differences between the species. This beautiful guide will captivate nature lovers and bison experts as it reveals the story of this wanderer of the plains.”

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg