Props on Her Sleeve: The Wartime Letters of a Canadian Airwoman

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pp. 171, b/w photographs, “A first-hand account of the experiences of a young Canadian airwoman who served both in Canada and on overseas duty, this series of 150 letters brings home the day-to-day immediacy of life in uniform during the Second World War. Moments of hilarity interspersed with impatience and frustration are recorded verbatim, along with an underlying sense of urgency about winning a war that hung in the balance for too long. Written to the Dead of Women at Macdonald College in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Mary Buch’s letters lay untouched for over fifty years after her return to Canada from England in 1945. Today they serve as a looking-glass into the War Years that is tinged with the freshness of youthful spontaneity and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.” paperback edition

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Book Information

ISBN 1550022946
ISBN13 9781550022940
Number of pages 171
Original Title Props on Her Sleeve: The Wartime Letters of a Canadian Airwoman
Published Date 1997
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First edition


pp. 171, b/w photographs, “A first-hand account of the experiences of a young Canadian airwoman who served both in Canada and on overseas duty, this series of 150 letters brings home the day-to-day immediacy of life in uniform during the Second World War. Moments of hilarity interspersed with impatience and frustration are recorded verbatim, along with an underlying sense of urgency about winning a war that hung in the balance for too long. Written to the Dead of Women at Macdonald College in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Mary Buch’s letters lay untouched for over fifty years after her return to Canada from England in 1945. Today they serve as a looking-glass into the War Years that is tinged with the freshness of youthful spontaneity and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.” paperback edition

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Weight 0.85 kg