pp. 215, “Ranching with Lords & Commons, originally published in 1903, tells the fascinating story of Alberta’s famous Oxley Ranch from the perspective of John R. Craig, Oxley’s former manager. Craig’s passion and knowledge shine through in this overview of what the cattle business was really like when ranching got underway in the late 1800s. In writing about his experiences, Craig’s intention was to provide “faithful reproductions of actual facts in the pioneer life of the western cattleman.” This storyand the history it revealsprovides an entertaining and informative account of the early days of Alberta’s cattle industry.
I feel I am justified in presenting a narrative which has the double merit of novelty and truth, and which at the same time serves to relieve me from responsibility for the shortcomings and eccentricitiesto put it mildlyof the aristocratic cattlemen with whom it was my lot for some years to be associated, and who are indicated in the title as lords and commons.John R. Craig”