Scotland Farewell: The People of the Hector

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pp.229.this is the story of the highland scots who sailed to Pichou, Nova Scotia in 1773 on the hector and who pioneered the large scale emigration of Scots to Nova Scotia.  previous owners details stamped on to FEP

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Book Information

ISBN 0070923787
ISBN13 9780070923782
Number of pages 229
Original Title Scotland Farewell: The People of the Hector
Published Date 1980
Book Condition very good
Jacket Condition torn
Binding hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition


pp.229.this is the story of the highland scots who sailed to Pichou, Nova Scotia in 1773 on the hector and who pioneered the large scale emigration of Scots to Nova Scotia.  previous owners details stamped on to FEP

Additional information

Weight 1 kg