Small Mercies: A Boy After War

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pp. 206, b/w illustrations, “Following The Way of A Boy, Small Mercies brings us back to Ernest Hillen as a boy, what he thought and felt as he, and the whole world, struggled to recover and grow up. After two remarkable sea voyages, he eventually lands in Canada where his mother is reunited with her family after sixteen years. In Canada he learns about school, baseball, vanilla milkshakes, and snow. He begins to discover what it means to be a man, but adapting to a new language and country is not easy. A memoir about the journey away from war, Hillen tells of letting go of the past, finding a new life, and growing up”

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SKU: 191438 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 0670866180
ISBN13 9780670866182
Number of pages 206
Original Title Small Mercies: A Boy After War
Published Date 1997
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition
Publishers: ,


pp. 206, b/w illustrations, “Following The Way of A Boy, Small Mercies brings us back to Ernest Hillen as a boy, what he thought and felt as he, and the whole world, struggled to recover and grow up. After two remarkable sea voyages, he eventually lands in Canada where his mother is reunited with her family after sixteen years. In Canada he learns about school, baseball, vanilla milkshakes, and snow. He begins to discover what it means to be a man, but adapting to a new language and country is not easy. A memoir about the journey away from war, Hillen tells of letting go of the past, finding a new life, and growing up”

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Weight 1 kg