Soldiers Made Me Look Good: A Life in the Shadow of War

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pp. 294 .”Since retiring from the Armed Forces, Lewis MacKenzie has not stayed out of the spotlight but continues to speak his mind. In this straight-talking memoir, he traces his post-military career as an international commentator on military affairs, a consultant to the Irish government and a federal political candidate. And here, he answers his critics, including journalist Carol Off for her criticism of his handling of the UN mission in Bosnia. In a hard-hitting chapter, he discusses his professional disagreement with the leadership priorities demonstrated by Romeo Dallaire in the early hours of the Rwandan genocide”

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Book Information

ISBN 1553653505
ISBN13 9781553653509
Number of pages 294
Original Title Soldiers Made Me Look Good: A Life in the Shadow of War
Published Date 2008
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Vancouver
Edition First Edition


pp. 294 .”Since retiring from the Armed Forces, Lewis MacKenzie has not stayed out of the spotlight but continues to speak his mind. In this straight-talking memoir, he traces his post-military career as an international commentator on military affairs, a consultant to the Irish government and a federal political candidate. And here, he answers his critics, including journalist Carol Off for her criticism of his handling of the UN mission in Bosnia. In a hard-hitting chapter, he discusses his professional disagreement with the leadership priorities demonstrated by Romeo Dallaire in the early hours of the Rwandan genocide”

Additional information

Weight 0.85 kg