Staying in the Game: The Remarkable Story of Doc Seaman

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pp. 315, some newspaper articles taped inside the book, “Peter C. Newman called him “the Totem of the Titans.” From a small Prairie town, Daryl K. “Doc” Seaman became an icon of Canadian business and hockey. He is one of the last of a breed of postwar entrepreneurs and sportsmen who forged modern Canada, striking deals on a handshake and always keeping their word.

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Book Information

ISBN 1550028812
ISBN13 9781550028812
Number of pages 315
Original Title Staying in the Game: The Remarkable Story of Doc Seaman
Published Date 2008
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First edition


pp. 315, some newspaper articles taped inside the book, “Peter C. Newman called him “the Totem of the Titans.” From a small Prairie town, Daryl K. “Doc” Seaman became an icon of Canadian business and hockey. He is one of the last of a breed of postwar entrepreneurs and sportsmen who forged modern Canada, striking deals on a handshake and always keeping their word.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg