Still Counting: Women in Politics Across Canada

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pp.210.paperback edition.”Still Counting explains why scholars and activists continue to count the number of women elected to Canada’s legislatures, and demonstrates that, by any measure, women are only halfway to equal. The authors assert that an “electoral glass ceiling” is keeping women at or below the 25 per cent mark, restricting women to less than half of the seats that would be theirs in a democracy committed to balanced, equitable, and fair representation. Moreover, little is being done to address this democratic deficit. Despite drawbacks, such as the “revolving door” for female party leaders and continued sexism in legislatures, the authors also show how women can, and do, make a difference in politics.”

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Book Information

ISBN 1551113740
ISBN13 9781551113746
Number of pages 210
Original Title Still Counting: Women in Politics Across Canada
Published Date 2003
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition No Dustjacket
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Peterborough
Edition First edition


pp.210.paperback edition.”Still Counting explains why scholars and activists continue to count the number of women elected to Canada’s legislatures, and demonstrates that, by any measure, women are only halfway to equal. The authors assert that an “electoral glass ceiling” is keeping women at or below the 25 per cent mark, restricting women to less than half of the seats that would be theirs in a democracy committed to balanced, equitable, and fair representation. Moreover, little is being done to address this democratic deficit. Despite drawbacks, such as the “revolving door” for female party leaders and continued sexism in legislatures, the authors also show how women can, and do, make a difference in politics.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg