Storming Babylon: Preston Manning and the Rise of the Reform Party

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pp. 216, signed by the author (Sidney Sharpe). “Based on exclusive interviews with his wife, his friends, Reform Party members, political foes, and Manning himself, Sharpe and Braid strip away the political facade to reveal the real Preston Manning and the goals of the party he leads.”

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Book Information

ISBN 1550134124
ISBN13 9781550134124
Number of pages 216
Original Title Storming Babylon: Preston Manning and the Rise of the Reform Party
Published Date 1991
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition
Inscription Signed by author


pp. 216, signed by the author (Sidney Sharpe). “Based on exclusive interviews with his wife, his friends, Reform Party members, political foes, and Manning himself, Sharpe and Braid strip away the political facade to reveal the real Preston Manning and the goals of the party he leads.”

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg