The Art of War: War and Military Thought (Cassell History of Warfare S.)

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pp. 224, b/w and colour illustrations, “From Confucian China to the present day, warriors have understood that combat is an art, one requiring sharp, flexible minds capable of adapting quickly to constantly shifting situations. In a survey that looks widely across history and cultures, the theories of some of the finest thinkers and strategists unfold, illuminating the development of military thought. The story begins with ancient Chinese tacticians, especially Sun Tzu, who was among the first to compose written texts on how to wage war. It then proceeds to the age of classical antiquity, which saw the creation of many unsurpassed works on military history: to Byzantine and medieval Western thought; to the years between 1500 and the end of the Seven Years’ War, when Machiavelli wrote; and then to some of the true greats like Clausewitz. We head into the modern age with a look at the 19th century, naval warfare, the two World Wars, nuclear strategy, and guerrilla insurrections. “

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Book Information

ISBN 0304352640
ISBN13 9780304352647
Number of pages 224
Original Title The Art of War: War and Military Thought (Cassell History of Warfare S.)
Published Date 2000
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 4to
Place of Publication London
Edition Reprint


pp. 224, b/w and colour illustrations, “From Confucian China to the present day, warriors have understood that combat is an art, one requiring sharp, flexible minds capable of adapting quickly to constantly shifting situations. In a survey that looks widely across history and cultures, the theories of some of the finest thinkers and strategists unfold, illuminating the development of military thought. The story begins with ancient Chinese tacticians, especially Sun Tzu, who was among the first to compose written texts on how to wage war. It then proceeds to the age of classical antiquity, which saw the creation of many unsurpassed works on military history: to Byzantine and medieval Western thought; to the years between 1500 and the end of the Seven Years’ War, when Machiavelli wrote; and then to some of the true greats like Clausewitz. We head into the modern age with a look at the 19th century, naval warfare, the two World Wars, nuclear strategy, and guerrilla insurrections. “

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Weight 1.03 kg