The Bone Museum : Travels in the Lost World of Dinosaurs and Birds

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pp. 291. “How are modern birds related to dinosaurs, and is there life after a species becomes extinct? Grady reveals the work and perspectives of paleontologist Phil Currie, who is the leading proponent of the bird-dinosaur theory. Grady does more than review theory: he traveled with Currie in China and experienced the drudgery of fieldwork first hand. An excellent set of insights is presented.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0670885428
ISBN13 9780670885428
Number of pages 291
Original Title The Bone Museum
Published Date 2000
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition


pp. 291. “How are modern birds related to dinosaurs, and is there life after a species becomes extinct? Grady reveals the work and perspectives of paleontologist Phil Currie, who is the leading proponent of the bird-dinosaur theory. Grady does more than review theory: he traveled with Currie in China and experienced the drudgery of fieldwork first hand. An excellent set of insights is presented.”

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg