The Canadian Housewife: An Affectionate History

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pp. 256, “Light and lively, but factual, The Canadian Housewife traces the various eras of this feminine icon of the north, from the 1600s with the first Acadian women along the Bay of Fundy — who lit their houses with candles and heated them with fires — to the 1950s suburban housewife — who treasured her new labor-saving kitchen devices and magazine recipes for jellied salads with marshmallows. “

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SKU: 186552 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 1552857174
ISBN13 781552857175
Number of pages 256
Original Title The Canadian Housewife: An Affectionate History
Published Date 2005
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Hardcover
Size Larger 8vo
Place of Publication Vancouver
Edition First edition


pp. 256, “Light and lively, but factual, The Canadian Housewife traces the various eras of this feminine icon of the north, from the 1600s with the first Acadian women along the Bay of Fundy — who lit their houses with candles and heated them with fires — to the 1950s suburban housewife — who treasured her new labor-saving kitchen devices and magazine recipes for jellied salads with marshmallows. “

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg