The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver

$125.00 CAD

pp. 574, “In his ambitious magnum opus, The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver, author Chuck Davis embraced 125 years of material, with the signature exuberance and talent for storytelling that made him one of Vancouver’s most successful and beloved journalists and broadcasters. This volume represents the culmination of his life as a folk historian, someone who was obsessed and delighted by all things Vancouver, and of his immense contribution to historical knowledge of the city of Vancouver. It was nearly realized, but not quite completed before his death in November, 2010.” SIGNED by the author.

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Book Information

ISBN13 9781550175332
Number of pages 574
Original Title The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver
Published Date 2011
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 4to
Place of Publication Madeira Park
Edition First edition
Inscription Signed by the author


pp. 574, “In his ambitious magnum opus, The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver, author Chuck Davis embraced 125 years of material, with the signature exuberance and talent for storytelling that made him one of Vancouver’s most successful and beloved journalists and broadcasters. This volume represents the culmination of his life as a folk historian, someone who was obsessed and delighted by all things Vancouver, and of his immense contribution to historical knowledge of the city of Vancouver. It was nearly realized, but not quite completed before his death in November, 2010.” SIGNED by the author.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg