The Commandos at Dieppe: Rehearsal for D-Day

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pp.256, “In August 1942, the Allies launched a raid against the German-held port of Dieppe on the French channel coast. It was largely a disaster, with the Canadian forces bearing the brunt of the catastrophe. However, it wasn’t all a failure. Landings against nearby gun batteries by four Commandos proved an excellent demonstration of the military adage “train hard, fight easy” and the advantage of proper planning. This successful raid also included members of the Free French and US Commandos, later named the US Rangers, and it included the first US land forces to engage the Germans on mainland Europe. “

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Book Information

ISBN 0007111258
ISBN13 9780007111251
Number of pages 256
Original Title The Commandos at Dieppe: Rehearsal for D-Day
Published Date 2002
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8to
Place of Publication London
Edition First edition


pp.256, “In August 1942, the Allies launched a raid against the German-held port of Dieppe on the French channel coast. It was largely a disaster, with the Canadian forces bearing the brunt of the catastrophe. However, it wasn’t all a failure. Landings against nearby gun batteries by four Commandos proved an excellent demonstration of the military adage “train hard, fight easy” and the advantage of proper planning. This successful raid also included members of the Free French and US Commandos, later named the US Rangers, and it included the first US land forces to engage the Germans on mainland Europe. “

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Weight 0.85 kg