The Fukushima 2011 Disaster

$45.00 CAD

136, “On March 11,2011, Japan experienced the largest earthquake in its history, causing massive property damage. This book summarizes and critically analyzes the natural events and human shortcomings responsible for the failure of the Fukushima reactors during the first year following the accident, and governmental and civilian responses to the emergency. It covers the plant’s safety history, the tsunami and earthquake, and the implications of the events on the nuclear reactor industry.”

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SKU: 278999 Category:

Book Information

ISBN13 9781466577824
Number of pages 136
Original Title The Fukushima 2011 Disaster
Published Date 2013
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No dustjacket, as published
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Boca Raton, Florida
Edition First edition


136, “On March 11,2011, Japan experienced the largest earthquake in its history, causing massive property damage. This book summarizes and critically analyzes the natural events and human shortcomings responsible for the failure of the Fukushima reactors during the first year following the accident, and governmental and civilian responses to the emergency. It covers the plant’s safety history, the tsunami and earthquake, and the implications of the events on the nuclear reactor industry.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg