The Gifts of the Jews (Hinges of History)

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pp. xii [2] 291.”The Gifts of the Jews reveals the critical change that made western civilization possible. Within the matrix of ancient religions and philosophies, life was seen as part of an endless cycle of birth and death; time was like a wheel, spinning ceaselessly. Yet somehow, the ancient Jews began to see time differently. For them, time had a beginning and an end; it was a narrative, whose triumphant conclusion would come in the future”

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Book Information

ISBN 0385482485
ISBN13 9780385482486
Number of pages 291
Original Title The Gifts of the Jews (Hinges of History)
Published Date 1998
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New York,
Edition Second


pp. xii [2] 291.”The Gifts of the Jews reveals the critical change that made western civilization possible. Within the matrix of ancient religions and philosophies, life was seen as part of an endless cycle of birth and death; time was like a wheel, spinning ceaselessly. Yet somehow, the ancient Jews began to see time differently. For them, time had a beginning and an end; it was a narrative, whose triumphant conclusion would come in the future”

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg