The Great Pretenders – The True Stories Behind Famous Historical Mysteries

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pp. 326, b/w illustrations, “In this highly entertaining work, Jan Bondeson delves into the great unsolved cases of disputed identity. Did the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette die in the Temple Tower or was he one of the fellows claiming to be the dauphin after the Terror? Was Kaspar Hauser really the missing crown prince of Baden? When an eccentric duke built a tunnel complex beneath his estate, who is to say he didn’t have a second life as a shopkeeper in London?”

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Book Information

ISBN 0393019691
ISBN13 9780393019698
Number of pages 326
Original Title The Great Pretenders – The True Stories Behind Famous Historical Mysteries
Published Date 2004
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition First Edition


pp. 326, b/w illustrations, “In this highly entertaining work, Jan Bondeson delves into the great unsolved cases of disputed identity. Did the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette die in the Temple Tower or was he one of the fellows claiming to be the dauphin after the Terror? Was Kaspar Hauser really the missing crown prince of Baden? When an eccentric duke built a tunnel complex beneath his estate, who is to say he didn’t have a second life as a shopkeeper in London?”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg