The Greatest Show on Earth

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pp. xv [3] 472.”The Greatest Show on Earth is a stunning counterattack on advocates of “Intelligent Design,” explaining the evidence for evolution while exposing the absurdities of the creationist “argument.” Dawkins sifts through rich layers of scientific evidence: from living examples of natural selection to clues in the fossil record; from natural clocks that mark the vast epochs wherein evolution ran its course to the intricacies of developing embryos; from plate tectonics to molecular genetics”

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Book Information

ISBN13 9781416594789
Number of pages 470
Original Title The Greatest Show on Earth
Published Date 2010
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size Larger 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition First Edition


pp. xv [3] 472.”The Greatest Show on Earth is a stunning counterattack on advocates of “Intelligent Design,” explaining the evidence for evolution while exposing the absurdities of the creationist “argument.” Dawkins sifts through rich layers of scientific evidence: from living examples of natural selection to clues in the fossil record; from natural clocks that mark the vast epochs wherein evolution ran its course to the intricacies of developing embryos; from plate tectonics to molecular genetics”

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Weight 0.85 kg